Thursday 31 July 2008

Victoria and Gary

Ruth and I were back at the Crawfordsburn Inn yesterday for the wedding of Victoria and Gary.

Gary was a little nervous and Victoria was a little late but the rain stayed away and everything came together nicely. The newlyweds even went for a bit of a paddle in the sea!

Saturday 26 July 2008

Nathalie and Steven

We had the pleasure of attending the Wedding of Steven and Nathalie on the 23rd of July.The service was held in both English and French at the Crawfordsburn Inn (just outside Bangor) and there was even time for a trip to the beach!

Friday 25 July 2008

New Website (and Blog)!

Our new website is up and running, all our galleries have been updated and we have even added a blog!

This blog will be used to post updates, news and special ofers as well as the odd photograph...

So call back and be nosey!