Monday 29 September 2008

Jennifer and Mark

Belfast Castle is a fantastic location, and when we arrived the sky was blue with a few of those fluffy white clouds that just make the sky look bluer! To make the most of the location I attached my Super-Wide-Angle-Lens to my second camera to ensure we would get the whole castle in the background.

Jen was a little nervous, but Mark managed to calm her down (as did a wee drink before the ceremony) and we made the most of the weather. We did pop down to Jen's Mum and Dads farm after to take a few shots and they had a whole pig roasting! It was a bit off-putting until you smelt it, MMMMMmmmmmmm Pig!

Friday 26 September 2008

Kathy (Katie) and Peter

We started off local yesterday (a couple of doors up from my Granny actually!), and finished up at Cabra Castle in Co. Cavan. I made the mistake of looking at the website where they had a photo of one of their bathrooms with a lovely free standing bath. I got the notion to photograph the bride in the bath (no water) with her veil hanging over the edge towards me. Luckily most of my brides are used to my eccentricities so Kathy didn't bat an eyelid when I suggested the shot.

We had more of this lovely blue sky, cars that look like they were taken from Al Capones garage and a HUGE dog! The staff (especially the Manager) of the Castle deserves special mention for their helpfulness and we had a lovely day and a lovely drive home with the windows down making the most of the nice weather.

Wednesday 24 September 2008


I usually don't post Portraits on the blog but this one is very special! Sophie is my Niece and has just turned one year old, so happy birthday Sophie!!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Leah and Brett

The sun was splitting the trees on Saturday and there wasn't a cloud in the sky when Leah arrived at the church looking stunning (as you can see). Two of the guys had managed to slip off for a sneaky pint unnoticed, much to the annoyance of the groomsmen who thought they should have been invited!

The Minister was a man after my own heart, even going as far as singing the tune from my favorite Disney ride 'It's a small world' so all in all it was one of those perfect days!

Monday 22 September 2008

Geraldine and Gary (also featuring Rebecca)

It always amazes me how children find the energy to run at 110% al day with only a 30 second nap, Rebecca was no exception.

The Wedding Ceremony took place at the Craigavon Civic Center (which looks great now that the refurb is finished) with Photo's at Peatlands Park and reception at the Carngrove.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Jenny and Lee

We caught the boat over to Scotland yesterday (Monday) to photograph the wedding of Jenny and Lee. It did rain, but the locations were lovely including the 'Brig O' Doon' so we grabbed the umbrellas and took a few shots.

Even though it was a long day (started at 4am and got home at 1.40 am), it was a great trip and a great couple!

Saturday 13 September 2008

Mairead and Chris

Yesterday was another dry Wedding, long may it last!

Mairead looked stunning and Chris was getting an awfully hard time from his groomsmen but it was all good fun and everything went according to plan, and the couple head of on their honeymoon tomorrow!

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Debbie and Philip (and Aaron)

We headed down to Bangor on Saturday, taking the Sat Nav directions with a pinch of salt as we seemed to be going up a mountain! We did come down again and next thing we know we have arrived!

The ceremony was lovely with the bride being given away by the 'Best Son' Aaron (I hope I have spelled that correctly) who did his job superbly and even tried his hand at Wedding Photography!